Monday, June 27, 2011


Book Name Author Name
A Bend In The River V.S. Naipaul
A Chiness Passage John Kenneth Galbraith
A Farewell to Arms Ernest Hemingway
A House Of Mr. Biswas V.S. Naipaul
A Mid Summer Night's Dream Shakespeare
A Pair of Blue Eyes Thomas Hardy
A Passage to England Nirad C. Chaudhuri
A Passage to India E.M. Foster
Ape and Essence A. Huxley
Apple Cart G.B. Shaw
A Suitable Boy Vikram Seth
A Thousand Days Arthur M. Schelinger
A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens
A View from New Delhi Chester Bowles
A Village by the Sea Anita Desai
A Week with Gandhi Louis Fischer
Adam Bede George Eliot
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Dayle
Aeneid Virgil
Agni Veena Kazi Nazrul Islam
Ain-i-Akbari Abul Fazl
Alaska Unbound James Michener
Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carol
All Quiet on The Western Front Erich Maria Remarque
All the Prime Minister's Men Janardan Thakur
Ambassador's Journal J.K. Galbraith
An American Tragedy Theodore Dreiser
And Quiet Flows the Don Mikhail Sholokhov
Anand Math Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
The Animal Farm George Orwell
Anna Karenina tolstoy
Antony and Cleopatra Shakespeare
An Idealist View of Life Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
Area of Darkness V.S. Naipaul
Arms and the Man G.B. Shaw
Arthasastra Kautilya
Assent of the Everest Sir john Hunt
Assignment Jaffna Lt.Gen. S.C. Sandesh Pande
As You Like It Shakespeare
Autobiography of an Unknown Indian Nirad C. Chaudhuri
Avanti Sundari Dandi


Book Name Author Name
Babbit Sinclair Lewis
Baburnama Babur
Baby and Child penelop Leach
Back to Methuselah G.B. Shaw
Ben Hur Lewis Wallace
Beating the Street Peter Lynch
Between The Lines Kuldip Nayar
Between Hope and History Bil Clinton
Beyond the Horizon Eugene O'Neili
Bhagwat Gita Vede Vyas
birth and Death of The Sun George Gamow
Bisarjan Rabindra Nath Tagore
Bitter Sweet Noel Coward
Blind Ambitions John Dean
Blind Beauty Boris Pasternak
Blue Bird Maurice Macterlink
Broken Wings Sarojini Naidu
Buddha Charitam Ashvaghosha
Butterfield 8 John O'Hara
By God's Decree Kapil Dev
By Love Possessed James Gould Cozzens


Book Name Author Name
Ceaser and Cleopatra G.B. Shaw
Canterbury Tales G. Chauser
Chidambara Sumitranandan Pant
Chitra Rabindra Nath Thakur
Chithirappavai P.V. Akilandam
City of Joy Dominique Lapierre
Communist Manifesto Karl Marx
Comus John Milton
Confession of a Inquirias Spirit Taylor S. Coleridge
Confidential Clerk T.S. Eliot
Conquest of Self Mahatma Gandhi
Continent of Circle Nirad C. Chaudhuri
Coolie Mulk Raj Anand
Count of Monte Cristo Alexander Dumas
Cranford Mrs. Gaskell
Crime and Punishment Dostoevsky
Coverly Papers Joseph Addison
Cry My Beloved Country Alan Paton


Book Name Author Name
Darkness at Noon Arthur Koestler
Dashkumar Charitam Dandi
Das Kapital Karl Marx
Days of My Years H.P. Nanda
Death of a President William Manchester
Death in Venice Thomas Mann
Death of a City Amrita Pritam
Death of a Patriot R.E. Harrington
Death of a Salesman Arthur Miller
Decameron Giovannie Boccaccio
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Edward Gibbon
Decline and Fall of Indira Gandhi D.R. and Kamala Mankekar
Descent of Man Charles Darwin
Deserted Village Oliver Goldsmith
Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru
Diplomacy Henry kissinger
Devadas Sarat Chandra Chatterjee
Divine Comedy A. Dante
Divine Life Swami Sivananda
Desperate Remedies Thomas Hardy
Doctor's Dilemma G.B. Shaw
Don Quixote Cervantes
Dr. Zhivago Boris Pasternak
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson
Double Helix J.D. Watson
Dragon's Teeth U.B. Sinclair


Book Name Author Name
East of Eden B.N. Mullick
Ends and Means Aldous Huxley
English August Upamanyu Chatterjee
Envoy to Nehru Escott Reid
Eternal Himalayas Major H.P.S. Ahluwalia
Eternal India Indira Gandhi
Essays of Ella Charles Lamb


Book Name Author Name
Fairie Queen Edmund Spencer
Far From the Madding Crowd Thomas Hardy
Family Reunion T.S. Eliot
Farewell to the Trumpets James Morris
Fasana-i-Azad Ratan Nath Sarkar
Fathers and Sons Ivan Turgenev
Faust J.W.Von Goethe
Faustus Christopher Marlow
First Circle Alexander Solzhenitsyn
For whom the Bell Tolls Ernest Hemingway
Forsyte Saga John Galsworthy
Freedom at Midnight Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre
French Revolution yhomas Carlyle
Friends, Not Masters Ayub Khan


Book Name Author Name
Gardener Rabindra Nath Tagore
Gathering Storm Winston Churchill
Geeta Govind Jaya Dev
Gitanjali Rabindra Nath Tagore
Glimposes of Some Great Indians M.L. Ahuja
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
Golden Threshold Sarojini Naidu
Godan Prem Chand
Golden Borough James Frazer
Goa Asif Currimbhoy
Gone Away Dom Moraes
Gone with the Wind Margaret Mitchell
Good Earth Pearl S. Buke
Gora Rabindra Nath Tagore
Great Expectations Charles Dickens
Great Illusion Norman Angell
Great Tragedy Z.A. Bhutto
The Guide R.K. Narayan
Gulistan Boston Sheikh Swift
Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift
Gypsy (poem) Pushkin


Book Name Author Name
Half a Life V.S. Naipaul
Hamlet Shakespeare
Hard Times Charles Dickens
Harsha Charita Bana Bhatt
Heat and Dust Ruth Prawar Jhabwala
Heroes and Hero worship Thomas Carlyle
Himalayan Blunder Brig.J.P. Dalvi
hindu View of Life Dr.S. Radhakrishnan
History of Hindu Chemistry Sir.P.C. Ray
Hitopadesh R.K. Narayan
House Divided Pearl S. Buke
Hunchback of Notre Dame Victor Hugo
Hungry Stones Rabindra Nath Tagore


Book Name Author Name
I Follow the Mahatma K.M. Munshi
Idea for Action N. Vittal
Idylls of the King Tennyson
In Search of Gandhi Richard Attenborough
India Changes Taya Zinkin
India 2020: A vision for the New Millennium Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and Dr.Y.S. Rajan
India-From Curzon to Nehru and after Durga Das
India Divided Rajendra Prasad
India Wins Freedom Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Indian Muslims Prof. Mohd. Mujeeb
The Indo Pakistan Conflict Russen Brines
India, The Critical Years Kuldip Nayar
Inside Asia, Inside Europe, Inside Africe etc. John Gunther
Invisible Man H.G. Wells
Island in the Streams Ernest Hemingway
Ivanhoe Sir Walter Scott


Book Name Author Name
Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte
Jai Somnath K.M. Munshi
The Judgement Kuldip Nayar
Jesus Rediscovered Malcolm Muggeridge
Jungle Book Rudyard Kipling
Jhoota Sach Yashpal
Junglee Girl Ginu Kamani


Book Name Author Name
Kamayani Jai Sankar Prasad
Kapala Kundala Bankhim Chandra Chatterjee
Kashmir A Tragedy of Errors Tazleen Singh
Kadambari Bana Bhatt
Kagaz Ke Kanwas Amrita Pritam
Kama Sutra Vatsyayan
Kamayani Jai Sankar Pandit
Kenilworth Sir Walter Scott
Kidnapped R.L. Stevenson
King of Dark Chamber Rabindra Nath Tagore
Kiratarjuniya Bharavi
Kim Rudyard Kipling
King Lear Shakespeare
Kipps H.G. Wells
kitni Navon Main Kitni Bar S.H. Vatsyayan
Kublai Khan S.T. Coleridge


Book Name Author Name
Lady Chatterjy's Lover D.H. Lawrence
Lajja Taslia Nasreen
L'Allegro John Milton
Last Days of Pompeli Edward George Lytton
the Last phase Pyare Lal
Last Things C.P. Snow
Lead Kindly Light Cardinal Newman
Le Contract Social (The Social Contract) Rousseau
Les Miserables Victor Hugo
Life Divine Aurobindo Ghosh
Life of Samuel Johnson James Boswell
Long Day's Journey into Night Eugene O'Neill
Love, Truth and A Little Malice Kushwant Singh
Lycidas john Milton


Book Name Author Name
Magic Mountain Thomas Mann
Mahabharata Vyasa
Major Barbara G.B. Shaw
Malati Madhav Bhavabhuti
Main Street Sinclair Lewis
Man, The Unknown Lewis Carroll
Man and Superman G.B. Shaw
Man for Moscow G. Lynne
Man of Property John Galsworthy
Man, Beast and Virtue Luigi Pirandello
Man eaters of Kumaon Jim Korbett
Marriage and Morals Bertrand Russell
Meghdoot Kalidas
Mein Kamph Adlof Hitler
Memories of the Second World War Churchill
Merchant of Venice Shakespeare
Midnight's Children Salman Rushdie
Moby Dick Herman Melville
Modern Painters John Ruskin
Mother Maxim Gorky
Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare
Mudra Rakshasa Vishakhadatta
Murder in the Cathedral T.S. Eliot
My Experiments With Truth Mahatma Gandhi
My Life and Times V.V. Giri
My Own Boswell M. Hidayatullah
My Truth Indira Gandhi


Book Name Author Name
Nana Emile Zola
Naganandan Harsha Vardhana
New Dimensions of India's Foreign Policy Atal Behari Vajpayee
Nine Days, Wonder John Mansfield
Nisheeth uma Sankar Joshi
Niti-Sataka Bhartrihari
No Full stops in India Mark Tully


Book Name Author Name
Oddakkuzal G.Sankara Kurup
Odyssey Homar
Of Human Bondage W.Somerset Maugham
Oh, Le Beaux Jours Samuell Beckett
Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway
Oliver's Story Erich Segal
Oliver Twist Charles Dickens
On the Threshold of Hope Pope John Paul
One Hundred Years of Solitude Gabriel Garcia Marquez
One World and India Arnold Toynbee
Origin of Species Charles Darwin
Oru Desathinte Katha S.K. Pottekatt
Othello Shakespeare
Our Films, Their Films Satyajit Ray
Our India Minno Masani
Out of Dust F.D. Karaka


Book Name Author Name
Padmavati Malik Mohammed Jayasi
Panchagram Tarasankar Bandopadhyaya
Panchtantra Vishnu Sharma
Painter of Signs R.K. Narayan
Paradise Lost john Milton
Pakistan-The Gathering Storm Benazir Bhutto
Peter Pan J.M. Barrie
Pickwick Papers Charles Dickens
Pilgrim's Progress John Bunyan
Prathama Pratishruti Ashapurna Devi
Prem Pachisi Prem Chand
Prince Machiavelli
Prithvi Raj Raso Chand Bardai
Pride and Predujice Jane Austin
Principia Issac Newton
Promises to Keep Chester Bowels
Pygmalion G.B. Shaw


Book Name Author Name
Quarantene Jim Crass
Quest for Conscience Madhu Dandvate


Book Name Author Name
Raghuvamsa Kalidas
Rajtarangini Kalidas
Ram Charit Manas Tulsidas
Ramanujar Dr. Indira Pathasarathy
Ramayana Maharishi Valmiki (in Sanskrit)
Ramayana Dharshanam K.V. Puttappa
Rape of Bangladesh Anthony Mascarenhas
Reflections of the French Revolution Edmund Burke
Razor's Edge Somerset Maugham
Republic Plato
Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe
Round the World in Eighty Days Julius Verne
Rubaiyat-i-Omar Khayyam Edward Foitzgeraid


Book Name Author Name
Saket Mithli Saren Gupta
Satyarth Prakash Swami Dayanand
Shadow from Ladakh Bhabani Bhattacharya
Shakuntalam Kalidas


Book Name Author Name
The Affluent Society John Kenneth Galbraith
The Agenda-Inside the Clinton Boob Woodward White House
The Agency and Ecstacy Irving Stone
The Best and the Brightest David Malberstam
The Cancer Ward Alexander Solzhenitsyn
The Cardinal Henry Morton Robinson
The Changing World of Executive Peter Drucker
The Chinese Betrayal B.N. Mullick
The Congress Splits R.P. Rao
The Degeneration of India T.N. Seshan
The Eye of the Storm Patrick White
The Final Judgement Richard N. Patterson
The Flounder Gunter Grass
The Fourth Estate Jeffrey Archer
The God Father Mario Puzo
The House of the Spirits Isabel Allende
The Judge Steve Martini
The Legends of Khasak O.V. Vijayan
The Power of Positive Thinking Norman Vincent Peale
The Roots Alex Maley
The Tempest Shakespeare
Time Machine H.G. Wells
The Tree of Man Patrick White
The Ugly Ducklings H.C. Anderson
The Universe Around Us James Jeans
The Vendor of Sweets R.K. Narayan
The Victim Saul Bellow
The Vicar of Wakefield Oliver Goldsmith
The Volcano Loner Susan Sontag
The Way of All Flesh Samule Butler
The Whiz Kids John Byrne
Thirukkural Thiruvalluvar
Three Musketeers Alexander Dumas
Theory of War John Brady
Tom Jones Henry Fielding
Tom Sawyer Mark Twain
The Travellers Oliver Goldsmith
Travels with a Donkey Robert Louis Stevenson
The Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson
Tropic of Cancer Henry Miller
Tunnel of Time R.K. Laxman
Twenty Letters to a Friend Svetlana
Twelfth Night Shakespeare
Tyagpatra Jainendra


Book Name Author Name
Ulysses James Joyce
Uncle Tom's Cabin Mrs. Haries Stowe
Unhappy India Lala Lajpat Rai
Utopia Thomas Moore
Unto This Last John Ruskin
Untold Story Gen.B.M. Kaul


Book Name Author Name
Valley of Dolls Jacqueline Susanne
Vanity Fair Thackeray
Venisamhara Narayana Bhatt
Very Old Bones William Kennedy
Vinay Patrika Tulsidas


Book Name Author Name
Wake Up India Annie Besant
War and Peace Tolstoy
War of Indian Independence Vir Savarkar
Waste Land T.S. Eliot
Wealth of Nations Adam Smith
Westward Ho Charles Kingsley
Wilhelm Meister Goethe
Wings of Fire, An Autobiography Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Witness to an Era Frank Moraes
Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte


Book Name Author Name
Data not found Please try later


Book Name Author Name
Yajnaseni Dr. Pratibha Roy
Yama Mahadevi Varma
Yayati V.S. Khandekar
Years of Pilgrimage Dr. Raja Ramana
Year of Upheaval Henry Kissinger
Yesterday and Today K.P.S. Menon


Book Name Author Name
Zulfi, My Firend Pillo Mody